Ragas & Rhapsodies: A Virtual Celebration of Resilience, 5 Oct 2020

An online celebration….

Featuring A.R. Rahman, Ila Paliwal, Vikas Khanna, Ram Sundaram, Aatma Performing Arts & The Whiffenpoofs Hosted by Reena Ninan

The extraordinary circumstances created by the global COVID-19 pandemic have brought many new challenges. Individuals that began the year by being employed, now find themselves struggling to bring food to the table for their families. Closing of schools have made education and support systems that much more inaccessible for marginalized children. We have already stepped in with rations and supplies, well-being checks and telemedicine, and digital learning opportunities, but this work has only just begun.

This event was to call on the strong degree of compassion and generosity of the privileged community to help meet the needs like Digital Learning, Mental Health, Nutrition etc.